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Projects and Collaborations

List of Projects and Collaborations

Below, we present all the projects and collaborations in which Neobéitar is or has been involved. Click to expand the information.

This project was funded by FEDEXCAZA in accordance with the provisions established in the Regulatory Bases approved by the FEDEXCAZA, within the Research Grants 2020-2023. This funding considered the proposal made by the Scientific Evaluation Committee, as well as the strategic nature of research projects aimed at addressing the needs and challenges considered a priority for the recovery and conservation of game species. This project was carried out to assess the potential effects of including new elements in the feeding of small game species. Two different experiments were conducted, one involving partridges and the other rabbits.

  • Assessment of the use of insect protein and postbiotics in the feeding of red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa): The use of insect protein and supplemental feed (Ingubal poultry®) made from extracts of lactic acid bacteria in the diet of red-legged partridge during the early days of life was evaluated.

Evaluation of the use of postbiotics in rabbit feeding against myxomatosis: The effect of feeding with supplemental feed made from extracts of lactic acid bacteria (postbiotics) on immune response, survival, and growth of rabbit kits was assessed.

It was concluded that insect protein enhances productive parameters and that postbiotics had an immunomodulatory activity, improving the immune system in animals that received the feed


NEOTEC project ‘Development of alternative products for Varroa destructor control based on the use of postbiotics’ aims to assess the effects of feeding bees with a protein supplement combined with postbiotics on hive productivity, mortality rates, and overall hive health, focusing particularly on its effectiveness against Varroa destructor.

This project builds upon a series of initiatives carried out by the apiculture association Hurdasa and CICYTEX between 2020 and 2022, programs subsidized by the National Program of Aid Measures for Apiculture from the MAPA (Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food).

The NEOTEC project was approved in accordance with Order CIN/373/2022, dated April 26th, which established the regulatory framework for the granting of public aid by the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology and Innovation E.P.E. (CDTI) to R&D projects and new business initiatives within the State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2021-2023, as part of the Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan. In compliance with these regulations, the summary of the Resolution of May 10th, 2022, issued by the Presidency of the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology and Innovation E.P.E., was published in the Official State Gazette (BOE) on May 19th, 2022. The amount of the granted aid for its implementation is €151,784, funded by the ‘Next Generation EU’ funds, specifically from the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism.


The NEOAPIS Group ‘New treatments for controlling mortality in honeybee colonies (Apis mellifera)’ aims to equip beekeepers with tools and useful protocols to improve the health status of their hives. The project focuses on combating Varroa destructor, the main culprit behind the challenging situation currently faced by the apiculture sector.

The NEOAPIS Group was established based on Decree 94/2016, dated July 5th, by the Government of Extremadura, becoming part of the European Association for Innovation in Productivity and Agricultural Sustainability. The granted aid for its establishment amounts to €9,999.25, co-financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (FEADER) at 80% under the Rural Development Program (RDP) of Extremadura 2014-2022, under Measure 16 ‘Cooperation’, Sub-measure 16.1 ‘Aid for the creation and operation of operational groups of the EIP in agricultural productivity and sustainability’. The remaining amount is co-financed by the Autonomous Community of Extremadura at 16.28% and by the State, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food, at 3.72%.