Our activity focuses on research in veterinary and biotechnology fields. Our aim was to maintain and improve animal health by entering the creation and development of products and services. Simultaneously, we contribute to human and environmental health, aligning with the global perspective of “ONE HEALTH.”
Neobéitar’s research is dedicated to the development of bioactive compounds with immunomodulatory and antimicrobial properties. The goal is to apply these compounds in various fields, such as apiculture and game species, contributing to the productivity and health improvement of these sectors.
Furthermore, Neobéitar provides diagnostic and management services from an integrated perspective, aiming to enhance the conditions of apicultural, livestock, and game-farming operations. This positive impact extends to animals and the environment, thereby facilitating the maintenance and conservation of species and ecosystems.
Establishing an in-depth and innovative exploration in the field of natural bioactive products as a primary goal, with the aim of discovering and developing compounds and formulas that promote the health and well-being of animals effectively and differentially.
Creating high-quality and effective products based on solid scientific foundations and rigorous studies. Ensuring that our advances have a positive impact on the productivity and health parameters of animals, contributing to their development and well-being.
Contributing to the optimization of animal health through innovation based on the use of new products and the implementation of appropriate management measures. The primary goal is to reduce the need for antibiotics and improve disease resistance, thus promoting more sustainable and healthier livestock, apiculture, and game farming practices.
The concept of “ONE HEALTH” improves human health and the environment. This is only possible by understanding health in a holistic way, where, if one link in the chain fails, the entire system will.
Conducting robust clinical research to support the effects and benefits of the developed products. Establishing collaboration with experts to ensure the scientific validity of the results.
Integrating and promoting sustainable development practices in the generation of products and provision of services. Thus, the environment is cared for, contributing to improvements in environmental health.
Developing educational programs and informational materials to publicize our work and its importance to ecosystems and society.
Establishing alliances and strategic collaborations to improve and promote our products and services while sharing different perspectives allows the quality of research to grow
Ensuring that all products, processes, and measures conform with established standards and regulations, maintaining high levels of quality and safety in the industry and farms.